Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A list of attemptables

Oh yes, I know I know, and now I'm going to be RIDICULOUSLY late and undone.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, and my goals for that day are to

Finish scene 19. Damn it, those add-on's sure add up.

Work (heartily) on scene 20. I can't even remember what it is at the--oh yes. The treasury. Kings, really? Since I've changed things in 19 to reflect Matthard's decision, I'll have to tug the original version out of storage and find out what I can salvage. But, on the bright side, writing it all at once might generate a better flow. I can send off the Roadog in the morning, maybe. It's a--what, five day journey? That needs to be paced.
In general (to digress) everything needs to take more time than it is. The election needs to be swift, the time not-so-much.

And, let's see, polish scene 10. And, oh God, that's a messy one. Really, it is. Actually, wait, I think a lot of it might be able to stay... I just have to read it for clarity. Oh! And,

TYPE UP THE CANON CHAPTER synopsises. It's so confusing without them.

And, finally, apply for at least two more jobs. Exercise. Do any chores Mom requires.

There's Dependence to think about, but it'll take too much time to research the source, type up the rest, and make sure it's all flowing smooth. I'll... map it out. It's something that can go to a lit. mag. when I'm done though. I think.

Very off topic, I'll get back to Ire, really, I wrote some good improv. stuff yesterday and managed to hint at Doogie's importance already! It's a shocker, but yes.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Oh yes, I know, I know. Why am I not writing, come on Lisa, creative juices you still have some, don't you? And this silly little blog.
I was thinking of a poem as I was driving home, a poem on the night I left college, like a blanket pulled over my head and I couldn't remember if I had put it there or if it had just materialized, a cotton shroud. Dark and cold. It's a regret-filled moment now, but I've no idea how to go back and change the world, the night, the moment.
I was also thinking, as I was driving home, because I have more time to think that is healthy, that what I do is me. That for some reason, Ire is important. I want to have passion for something. I want... much.
Annnnd my free-writing attempt at journaling runs try on the third paragraph. Brilliant.

I WAS trying to think of an answer to Selah and Matthard's conversation in the field, which is coming along okay, but I can't decide whether I want him to figure everything out or not. If he does, will he tell Selah? Can I jump right into the Peternian thing and leave his suspicions in the air?

I like it that way, things in the air.

Like flying castles.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ire's failures

Dear Ire,
Wow. In hindsight, you are a really terrible king. Were. Are. The fact that your failures aren't imaginary and that you are, in a way, quite pompous, is getting shoved in your face very often.
And how do you react?
I wonder.
we need to get you doing better in this presidential race, or this story is going to end very quickly and without hoopla.