Saturday, June 25, 2011

In lieu of Twitter, yes, let's see, this is what I'll do...

Situation: I have two stories. Three, actually.

-The first took place about two months before the second.

-The second introduces a character and the current political situation. It also builds up a sort of rapport between the introductory character and the protagonist.

-The third tries to kill someone, and instills a mixture of forced trust and doubt between introductory and protag.


The first story is not important for my purposes. The third makes for a nice start-up piece after the first's cliffhanger, but the second has all the important bits. And some nice character development. And lots of angst. Ohyay.

The easy solution is to rewrite the second, but since the once-third story has instilled a sense of distrust, it changes the whole tone. Hm. Though I might want to do that.

Gah, the more I read either, the worse it gets. Sigh. Okay. The third story needs to be rewritten to fit, so it can be first after the break. Less distrustful, because I need to work up a good rapport. The introductory scene needs to be cut and summarized, nice and somber as it is. I think... I THINK I can do this.

What about anyone else? Unsolvable plot conundrums?

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